Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Funny Title. Solid Movie.

I'm sure many of you have seen this one. Every once in a while the bargain racks at Longboard Grotto have some decent finds. Picked this one up the other day; hadn't seen it in a long time. The video rental store I went to as a youngster (Video Library or Major Video, something like that) always had a few surf movies tucked away in the Sports section. Although it was the mid 80's they only stocked Endless Summer and a few 70's era gems like Super Session, A Sea for Yourself, and of course Tubular Swells. My friend and I just laughed at the title but rented it anyway based on some of the images from the cover (the current cover is a re-design). Turns out we were into it, and this Hoole/McCoy feature still holds up today. While there are a lot of films from the era with similar footage, this one is just dripping with 70's goodness and an incredibly classic soundtrack to tie it all together. Add the featurette, A Day in the Life of Wayne Lynch, and you have a pretty solid offering.


Anonymous said...

Yes, a total classic!

Beetlejuice said...

my fave was fluid drive. it's funny they all had the same things-sunsets,the little comedy gig,etc.

jb said...

Yes, Fluid Drive is a great one. Why don't I own that?